Auto pilot amazon compliance checker. Don't let your asins taken down.

Auto pilot amazon compliance checker. Don't let your asins taken down.

You don't have time to read million different category/subCategory specific compliance rules & checks released by amazon.

They tell you what you can include/what's prohibited on your titles/bullet points/imagery.. all these boring stuff..

Butt you still don't want your listings to be removed I assume.Especially when amazon is getting harsh.

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I have created asin compliance police for that:

An autopilot to check whether all your listings title/descriptions/images comply within your category/subCategory.

NOTE:You need Gpt+ to use it, message me if you want me to check your listings .Email me.

Our email:

But here is how it works

i)Click 1st option 'please select category & sub category'

ii)Copy paste your asin category & sub

iii)Copy your asin tittle,description,bullet points,images (you can leave blank the ones you dont need like image)

iv)It will check compliance issues & suggest you improvements

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